Monday 12 March 2012

Photo: Matt Shoemaker’s Billy Mays impersonation

TEMPE, Ariz. — If Angels prospect Matt Shoemaker ever wants to ditch being a pitcher to become America's next great pitchman, let it be known that he's certainly got the look for it.

Not that Shoemaker noticed the resemblance to the late Billy Mays on his own. The Angels' minor-league pitcher of the year in 2011 entered the Angels clubhouse earlier this spring to find a mug of the famous Oxi-Clean hawker hanging above his locker with the words "Billy Mays for Split Finger" written on it. Shoemaker said the culprit who noticed the similarity was new Angels pitcher C.J. Wilson.

Shoemaker said he hasn't thought of any products for a hot new informercial yet, but given what the Nats' veterans wrote over Bryce Harper's locker, he got off lucky.

"That was a new one," laughed Shoemaker before Monday's exhibition against the Los Angeles Dodgers. "It was funny, it was pretty good."

Personally, I think he looks a little like a cross between Mays and Angels pitcher Dan Haren, no?

Make sure you're ready for opening day ...
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