Wednesday, 21 March 2012

J.J. Hardy caught in a modern Orioles moment

When I was a kid, the Baltimore Orioles and the Kansas City Royals were the model franchises of the American League and maybe the entire majors. How the Orioles and Royals played ball — professionals, always contenders with class — that's how you wanted your team to play.

These days, there's hope for the Royals, but the Orioles remain stuck in a head-shaking loop of incompetence. They're often the league's laughingstock, even on the rare occasions they don't deserve to be.

Take this photo by Charles Krupa of the Associated Press.

It only looks like Orioles shortstop J.J. Hardy completely lost all of his faculties and went into convulsions on this single by Ty Wigginton of the Phillies. He probably made a perfectly proper attempt at this ball — it just got by him. The camera angle and ball placement simply trick us into believing that Hardy has gone on a frenzied romp through the garden, oblivious to the baseball game going on around him.

But these days, it looks very Orioles of him.

Big BLS H/N: Jeff Sullivan of Lookout Landing

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