Thursday 31 May 2012

Jonathan Lucroy’s wife gets ‘hate mail’ on Facebook over husband’s broken hand

Not only will Jonathan Lucroy of the Milwaukee Brewers need surgery to fix his broken right hand, he and his wife will need time to get over the abuse she has endured via Facebook.

Lucroy told SportsRadio WSSP-1250 in Milwaukee that his wife, Sarah, has been getting hateful messages blaming her for the accident that caused a suitcase to fall on Lucroy's hand, which sustained a "boxer's fracture" of the fifth metacarpal. Lucroy, who has been one of the best hitters in the league this season, will be out at least six weeks.

Also, people who misleadingly refer to themselves as fans of the Brewers are making things worse, Lucroy says:

"It's been a battle for me, personally, because there's no one to blame, and my wife is getting killed by this. It's not like she's not hurt enough already, not feeling guilty enough already. I really wish people would just leave her alone, leave us alone, just let us try to move forward, and get this behind us, because this has been a brutal couple of days."

It should go without saying that people can act like idiots on the internet. Perhaps you've seen someone act stupid in one of the Yahoo! Sports Blogs comment sections. What the Lucroys have experienced is worse, though, because it doesn't come from an anonymous nobody. You have to be a real person, or take several annoying steps to create a fake Facebook profile, to attack via that medium. (That's why the stock is so expensive!)

Engaging anyone on the Internet via social media can be a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, the ease at which people can communicate whatever is on their minds, whenever the mood strikes, keeps the door wide open for abuse. Social media can bring the famous (and semi-famous) a little too close to the masses sometimes.

And Lucroy breaking his hand might have come in an absurd accident, but that's all it was — accidental. He could have just as easily done it to himself, even on the field in a game, trying an unnecessary bunt, for example. He and his wife and that suitcase just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's not that hard to grasp. No pun intended.

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