Saturday, 8 June 2013

Eric Hosmer and Billy Butler escape attempted Gatorade bath untouched (Video)

For all of the successful Gatorade baths we've seen this season, I think we had yet to see a complete whiff until Friday night in Kansas City.

Following their 4-2 victory over the Houston Astros, hitting heroes Eric Hosmer and Billy Butler were put in the familiar position of sitting ducks while being interviewed for the Royals postgame show. The men in charge of executing the Gatorade bath were Kansas City's catching tandem of George Kottaras and Salvador Perez. In hindsight, their teammates may be questioning themselves for making that decision.

As you'll see in the video around the :28 mark, Hosmer, who scored the winning run in the game, appeared to be the main target. However, due to his super ninja skills (or possibly the loud footsteps of two plodding catchers charging at him) he was able to get completely out the way at the last second to not only avoid the shower, but keep himself one-hundred percent dry.

Despite the announcer's claim, Hosmer didn't get a single drop on him. And neither did Butler, who also backed away in the nick of time. Honestly, it couldn't have been a more complete miss had Kottaras and Perez actually tried to miss. And even then you might think they'd hit the announcer on accident, but that didn't happen either.

Just a complete lack of execution, but at least with hilarious results.

Of course some would say that perfectly describes the Royals organization over the past 25 years as well. I won't be that guy, though. At least not today.

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