Saturday 23 February 2013

Curt Schilling’s bloody sock sold for $92,612

Almost nine years later, we still haven't heard the last of Curt Schilling's bloody socks.

I know, I can't believe it either.

In this instance, we're talking specifically about the bloody sock worn in Game 2 of the 2004 World Series, and not the bloody sock worn in the ALCS against the New York Yankees or Game 6 of the Series. Our own David Brown covered the significance of all three socks extensively back in January, so we'll just cut right to the meat and potatoes of the auction that took place this week.

Bidding on the sock began at $25,000 on Monday. It was hoped — and in the opinion of some even expected — to top $100,000. Unfortunately, it did not quite reach that lofty number, but I'm sure it's still the highest priced bloody sock ever sold on the internet or otherwise.

ESPN's Darren Rovell gives us the specifics:

Curt Schilling’s “Bloody Sock” from Game 2 of the 2004 World Series just sold for $92,612. Disappointment.

— darren rovell (@darrenrovell) February 24, 2013

At last word the winner was an anonymous bidder, so we'll have to wait to see who the lucky person is.

Rovell then followed up his original tweet with a potential reason for the sock bringing back a 'disappointing' return.

Have to think that the decline of Schilling’s business and his name associated with it had a lot to do with the low price on sock.

— darren rovell (@darrenrovell) February 24, 2013

I suppose that's a possible factor, but I think it's more so a matter of how much more could a bloody sock possibly be worth to anyone, regardless of who wore it and when. And I say that realizing many stranger item have been sold for a lot more money, but it's a sock with a couple blood stains on in.

Here an expert's opinion on the matter courtesy of the Associated Press:

''It's a one of a kind item, so it's really tough to gauge what kind of interest you're going to get,'' Chris Ivy, director of Sports Auctions for Heritage Auctions said. ''Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle where a piece will take off like the Buckner ball. This particular time, it's the first time we sold a sock with blood on it so it's very hard to gauge what kind of final number it's going to end up.''

I'm fresh out of thoughts on this one, so I'll just throw it out there for all of you to comment on and discuss:

How much would you honestly be willing to pay for a bloody sock (or a similar odd item) worn by a professional athlete?

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