Wednesday 20 March 2013

Spring Breaks: Indians’ Michael Bourn chats about music, steak and fatherhood

Note: Spring Breaks is a Big League Stew series that talks to players about their lives off the field during spring training. Today: Michael Bourn, the speedy centerfielder who joined the Cleveland Indians this offseason after years with the Atlanta Braves, Houston Astros and Philadelphia Phillies.

Mike Oz: What's your favorite pastime during spring training not related to baseball?
Michael Bourn: Playing pool.

MO: Are you pretty good?
MB: I'm OK.

MO: What's your favorite place that you've discover to eat out here?
MB: I like Fleming's, the steakhouse. It's good food — and I like to eat.

MO: What are you listening to music-wise this spring?
MB: Lil Wayne, Jay-Z, Drake. You know the normal, all that good music.

MO: Favorite TV show or movie that you've been watching?
MB: I've been watching MTV Jams a lot. It's a station where they show all the videos, so I've been watching videos a lot.

MO: At one point you had your son out here, right? How do you balance doing the dad thing and the baseball thing?
MB: I take it back. That's My No. 1 hobby — playing with my son. Pool is not my No. 1 hobby. I have no problem with it, man. It's easy to me. I mean, its not easy -- if i'm real real tired, I'll tell him let's take a break. But if I'm not tired, I go out and play with him, whatever he wants to do.

MO:How old is he?
MB: Three.

MO: So what do you do with him here? Take him to the park?
MB: Oh yeah, we go outside. We play football, we play basketball, baseball. We race each other. We do all that. That's the joy time to me. I get to see the smile on his face and see that he's enjoying life.


Are you ready for opening day?
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