Wednesday 25 January 2012

A-Rod sells his NYC condo for a considerable profit

Alex Rodriguez's baseball skills and ability to commit to one celebrity girlfriend may be on the decline, but he's apparently at the top of his game when it comes to investing in real estate.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the New York Yankees third basemen has already received a contract for his 3,500-square foot condo on the 35th floor of the Rushmore building on Manhattan's Upper West Side. The listing with Modlin Group says the property was posted for $8 million, so A-Rod is likely making a tidy profit after paying just $5.5 million for the five-bedroom place last February. (Of course, considering he makes close to $30 million a year with the Yankees, that sort of haul is just walking around money to A-Rod.)

Judging from the pictures, it doesn't look like A-Rod or his former galpal Cameron Diaz lived in the place too much. Apart from a few Warhol prints of Marilyn Monroe, there's little color and even fewer signs that he was ever even there. So perhaps he really just did buy the place to flip it and got extremely lucky when another rich dude came along wanting to buy the trophy home.

And if that's the case, maybe he can share a few of his tips with Derek Jeter because it looks like his teammate is still trying to sell that $20 million Trump Tower penthouse that's been on the market for quite some time now. Help a Captain out, will ya A-Rod?

Big BLS H/N: NY Curbed

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