Wednesday 29 May 2013

Cole Hamels wears Boston Police vest, guards Phillies coach Mick Billmeyer during dugout TV interview

Security! The Philadelphia Phillies wanted to have coach Mick Billmeyer conduct his third-inning TV interview from the visitor's dugout at Fenway Park in a safe manner Wednesday night, so Boston Police deputized left-hander Cole Hamels, gave him a yellow vest to wear, and had him stand guard. Makes sense, with Fenway being one of the more intimate parks in the league, where some fans are right on top of the players. Got to keep this area clear, folks!

And with that vest, all that's missing for Hamels is a beret of poodle on his noodle. I'm not sure if The Fightins were all that impressed with Hamels security effort. Philly can be a demanding crowd. Regardless, good call, Boston P.D.

No incidents were reported, though Hamels could be seen shushing some loud patrons or teammates at one point. Not on his watch, you don't talk over Mick Billmeyer. Way to handle things when you're not pitching, Whole Camels. The entirely of Billmeyer's interview was video'd:

"He's trying anything right now (to get noticed)," Billmeyer told the Phillies booth.

Despite Hamels' fashionista antics with the yellow vest, Billmeyer is a guy who appreciates strong security. As the coach in charge of the Phillies signs, it's his job to know what both teams are up to in terms of how they're communicating. Sometimes, his work requires him to wear special glasses that let you see far away. You can't take any chances in this game.

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