Tuesday 14 May 2013

Bryce Harper on his injury: ‘I will keep playing this game hard … even if it kills me’

Bryce Harper, less than 12 hours after crashing face-first into the Dodger Stadium wall, took to Twitter on Tuesday to tell the world how tough he is.

Harper, who left the field bloody and dazed, required stitches but didn't have a concussion after not heeding the warning track's warning. (Video here if you missed it). The 20-year-old Washington Nationals phenom also sounds like he doesn't have any regrets.

I will keep playing this game hard for the rest of my life even if it kills me! Ill never stop! #RespectTheGame

— Bryce Harper (@Bharper3407) May 14, 2013

So, in other words, Bryce Harper ... or die trying! That made me put my minimal Photoshop skill to hasty use:

The latest: Adam Kilgore at the Washington Post is reporting that Bryce is just bruised. X-rays were negative. He's day-to-day.

So Harper won't have to stop. Just slow down for a couple days. Shouldn't kill him, right?

Baseball is back. Don't miss anything.
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