Wednesday 10 April 2013

Some Washington Nationals fans really, really want people to stop doing The Wave

In our nation's capital, there are many divisive issues: taxes, health care, war. And, of course, the big one: The Wave.

Some Washington National fans have taken a step forward in protesting The Wave. They've created an actual handbill encouraging people not to participate in The Wave at Nats games. It's one thing to complain about it on the Internet, but when people start distributing a flier, things are getting really, really real.

So far, there have been no reports of the Wave haters getting treated like the Miami Marlin protesters. But they might want to keep an eye out for Krazy George Henderson lurking around Nationals Park.

This aversion to The Wave in Nats land has been bubbling for a while. Toward the end of last season, D.C. Sports Bog wrote a post digging into The Wave controversy:

Every time a wave starts up at Nats Park, the torrent of online criticism splatters bile across my computer screen. It’s distracting to players, the wave critics say. It’s distracting to fans. It prevents proper cheering at the proper moments. It’s a signifier of casual fandom, a legacy of years without baseball, a sign that we don’t deserve our first-place team.

D.C. Sports Bog went a step further and asked Nats players what they thought of The Wave — the above quote from Ryan Mattheus being of the responses gathered. Some teammates echoed his thoughts, others weren't as steadfast in their opposition, but did say they hoped fans would pay closer attention to the game if it's a tense situation.

It will be interesting to see if this latest Stop the Wave effort works, or at least placates Wave opposers. If not, who knows, they might have to take it to Congress. This is D.C. we're talking about.

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