Sunday, 3 March 2013

Jay Bruce pranks MLB Fan Cave finalists in Arizona (Video)

Recently the 30 finalists fighting for a spot in 2013 MLB Fan Cave made their way to Arizona for a little fun, sun (at least when it wasn‘t snowing) and of course their main priority, baseball.

As is customary with the Fan Cave, they also had the opportunity to interact with a few players during their stay, and I think it’s safe to say none were more memorable than the rapid fire question and answer session with Cincinnati Reds outfielder Jay Bruce.

The set up called for a group of finalists to quickly sit down next to Bruce and fire off a question. As they lined up, Bruce was already seated next to a folding table that held what was supposed to be his Silver Slugger Award. Unbeknownst to the group, the trophy was actually a replica. They also had no idea the table was equipped with faulty legs, and that it was only a matter of time before one would be pranked in grand style.

In a cruel and completely expected twist of fate, it was the Houston Astros fan who ended up the unlucky victim. But hey, at least he was a good sport about it and now he'll have one memory from the 2013 season that he can hold on to.

By the way, this isn't the first Jay Bruce has been involved in a prank during his baseball career. If you recall, back in 2008 he was the victim of a very clever setup by Adam Dunn during his first spring training with the Reds. He's come a long way since then.

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