Wednesday 13 March 2013

How to always remember the 2013 World Baseball Classic — with a tattoo

Spain's showing in the 2013 World Baseball Classic isn't too memorable. It went 0-3, losing to Dominican Republic, Venezuela and Puerto Rico. At least one Spain fan will always remember the 2013 World Baseball Classic, though. He has to. It's etched onto his body.

Meet Josep Juaneda Josa, who spent the WBC in New York as part of the international edition of the MLB Fan Cave. As part of his journey, he got the World Baseball Classic logo tattooed on shoulder. Now, when you go to Spain, you'll be able to easily identify the one guy there who cared about the World Baseball Classic.

Good news: If Josa regrets this tattoo one day, he can just tell people it's a Simon game and he's the world champ.

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