Monday 14 January 2013

Watch the Blue Jays go curling in Saskatoon!

No matter where you put baseball and hockey in your sports preference list, they're pretty much the best sports to watch in person. But the most doggone sport ever invented by man has to be this curling. It's been called a "national obsession" in Canada and why not? What else are you going to do indoors when it's -25 outside? Curling can be described as bowling-meets-shuffleboard-meets-sweeping-up-meets-chess — on ice. There's definitely strategies and tactics, and a certain amount of athletic ability required — but there's also a lot of falling on your butt if you don't know what you're doing.

I'm thinking Colby Rasmus fell on his butt a lot as he and teammates J.P. Arencibia, Anthony Gose and Drew Hutchison gave curling a whirl in order to help promote their club. We don't usually encounter curling but every four years in the Winter Olympics, but thanks to the Toronto Blue Jays going on their winter caravan to Saskatoon, Sask., in midwestern Canada, The Stew can offer a solid minute of curling video. It also features Ace, the Blue Jays mascot, going for a skate. It's always amusing to see people dressed in birds skating.

By the way, how tough of a sport is curling? Arencibia says:

"You've got to get used to it, but I feel like once you get the hang of it, the weight of the rock, it's easy. And that's why I feel I'm going to join the Olympics next year."

Yeah, not likely, eh? He jests, surely. Hopefully, Gose and Hutchison and the guys didn't strain their curling muscles with spring training approaching. Rasmus, at least, can enjoy the coming raise he will get in 2013. OK, time for a song:

Already counting down to spring training?
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