Thursday 3 January 2013

TMZ: Giants closer Sergio Romo has run-in with TSA officers at Las Vegas airport

San Francisco Giants closer Sergio Romo had some recent travel troubles after a trip to Las Vegas over the New Year's holiday.

We're not talking about lost luggage or a severe lack of legroom, either. According to a report from TMZ, Romo was handcuffed in Sin City's airport after a run-in with TSA workers on New Year's Day. Other details are spotty with only one foul-mouthed tweeter providing any sort of corroboration with a tweet from the morning of January 1.

From TMZ:

Law enforcement sources tell us, the San Francisco Giants pitcher was detained by cops because he couldn't provide the proper ID to clear security.

We're told Romo then got into it with a TSA agent — becoming "angry and aggressive."  Cops then swooped in and cuffed him.

Romo was taken to the police station at the airport , where he was cited for violating airport rules and then released. Romo was not allowed to fly following the incident, and was subsequently escorted off airport grounds.

According to law enforcement sources, Romo appeared to be under the influence.

Hey, as Romo's famous World Series t-shirt says, he only looks illegal!

It's hard to say what happened here. It's certainly not hard to lose one's license while partying on the Las Vegas strip and nothing — not even the fame accrued by recording the final out of that year's World Series — will pass as an adequate substitute.

Might a cynic wonder if Romo's skin tone and beard length had anything to do with his reported stop? Sure, though that would only be pure speculation at this point.

Also, while TSA officers can be an unreasonable sort, it's also worth nothing that Romo can be prickly himself at times. Anyone who saw him brashly fend off reporters in what was otherwise a joyous World Series clubhouse last October — this writer included — can attest to this.

Romo certainly wouldn't be the first nor the last to show up for a flight out of Vegas while still feeling the aftereffects from the night before. But to all of those who might come after him, a word to the wise: Remember your driver's license before you hit security — and remember to bite your tongue if you happen to forget.

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