Wednesday 6 June 2012

Jeff Manship jersey plagued by spelling mihsap

Let's face it: Jeff Manship has a funny enough last name as it is. Every time he comes into a game (or even warms up) for the Minnesota Twins, a song that roughly goes like this pops into my head:

On the Man-ship, Lollipop/It's a sin-ker that he wants to drop.

Or, if he's not pitching well:

On the Man-ship, Lollipop/Ro-chester is the very next stop.

The least the Twins can do is prevent any further embarrassment by not misspelling Manship on the man's jersey. Well, it's apparently too much to ask, because as you can see by the above photo, someone thinks his last name is spelled "Mansihp." What a mihsap!

Hey, I've misspelled words before. In a recent post, I misspelled "brothers" and "snakes" in Italian. (You had to be there.) But the only thing it hurt was my reputation, and ego, when some commenters, pleasant as always, politely pointed out my errors. But this, this is a man's baseball jersey, and these are the major leagues.

From's Rhett Bollinger:

Manship said he had no clue his jersey was misspelled when he went out to the mound. #Twins

— Rhett Bollinger (@RhettBollinger) June 7, 2012


Manship added guys were laughing at him when he was warming up in the bullpen but he didn't know why. [Jared] Burton said they all knew. #Twins

— Rhett Bollinger (@RhettBollinger) June 7, 2012

What's worse: This isn't the first time Manship's name has gotten mangled, as one of Bollinger's Twitter followers pointed out:

This graphic also says that Manshift has an era of 8,10 — which isn't even calculable through math. Regardless, Manship handled the situation like a pro's pro, pitching a scoreless inning in Minnesota's 4-2 victory. So, the question is: After being so dominant pitching in a jersey with his name misspelled, will Manship have it fixed? Or will he be superstitious about it?

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