Wednesday, 21 March 2012

‘Moby Dick’: Minor league club reels in three-pound fish sandwich

Have you spent most of your life traversing the globe, scouring the ends of the Earth for the biggest fish sandwich that ballparks have to offer? Well, Ahab, sail into Eastlake, Ohio this April for a Lake County Captains game to finally meet your great white(fish) whale.

This spring, the Captains will offer the "Moby Dick" sandwich, which will be as challenging to eat as it sounds. Described on the Captains' website as stretching 15 inches long on a sesame seed hoagie roll and weighing (at least) three pounds, Moby Dick contains a mere 2,000 (plus) calories and 200 grams of fat. It will feed "two fans uncomfortably or four fans comfortably." It's what killed Gregory Peck. All for $20.

"We wanted to challenge John Klein, our Director of Food & Beverage, to create a signature item for Classic Park and the Captains this season," explained General Manager Brad Seymour. "I think it is safe to say that John and his staff took that directive to heart in creating this monster sandwich that our fans are either sure to enjoy or run from."

Feed me, Seymour! Here are more gory details:

• Five quarter-pound fish filets.

• Eight slices of cheese.

• Six ounces of clam strips.

• A third-pound of french fries (nod to Primanti Bros.?)

• A cup of cole slaw.

• "Gobs" of lettuce, tomato, pickles and tartar sauce.

• Pepto Bismol is extra.

The team will hold a contest in which individual fans can attempt to eat the beastie in an hour. An hour!?

I'm all about big food at ballparks — even the mutation known as The StrasBurger — but I have some doubts that many would pay $20 for a gigantic fish sandwich. A $20 hamburger? Yes. A $20 hotdog? If it's big enough, sure. But a $20 fish sandwich? Maybe at a ballpark on a lake. We'll see. It's too bad that Lent almost never overlaps with the start of a minor league baseball season. Then you'd really have something.

In the meantime, we'll keep searching for the ultimate big food at ballparks across the U.S.A.!

Big BLS H/N: Hardball Talk

Spring Training has arrived! Follow Dave on Twitter — @AnswerDave and engage The Stew on Facebook for your fill of Grapefruit and Cactus!

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