Tuesday 20 March 2012

Create-a-Caption: Hey Cards, sign my hockey stick?

To be fair to the so-called best fans in baseball, this picture was taken before Erik Komatsu emerged as a candidate to take the St. Louis Cardinals roster spot vacated by the injured Skip Schumaker. Still, handing a goalie stick to someone who has yet to reach the major leagues — especially when the Blues already have two stellar keepers — seems like a really out-of-line suggestion, no?

Then again, maybe the fan will pair the stick with his St. Louis Blues baseball jersey (which is also equally out of line, but at least the pairing would make some sort of weird sense — to a fan who brings a hockey stick to a baseball game, at least).

So have at it, amateur Internet copy editors of the world. How should this caption read?

Follow the jump for winners from the last C-a-C featuring fish being ferried:

Hanley and the Hitchikers

1st — Vaffanculo. "Shhh!!! We're going to try to sneak into the drive-in, but only pay for two."

2nd — Nathan. " "SHHHH! The Taxpayers will foot the bill."

3rd — Shawn. "Shhh. nobody say a word or we may pop Jose's hamstring."

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