Friday 3 February 2012

Yankees GM Brian Cashman lures alleged stalker into police dragnet

No other executive in Major League Baseball can match the resources, and few have the acumen, of New York Yankees general manager Brian Cashman. And almost no one can claim to live as adventurous a personal life.

Cashman scales buildings for Christmas dressed as one of Santa's elves. He sleeps in Central Park to raise awareness for child homelessness. He ... becomes a police informant to help catch a woman accused of harassing and extorting money from him after they had a 10-month alleged affair. That's right: Cashman lured her into a police dragnet.

That is the fantastically strange story told by the New York Daily News and Deadspin. Now, if you add up all of the sordid details, Cashman doesn't come out looking like Snow White in this tale. But there's no question he's running away with "The Most Interesting GM in the World" award for this century so far.

From the NYDN:

Prosecutors portrayed Louise Neathway, 36 — who said in an interview published Thursday that she was Cashman's mistress — as a con artist who pestered him for cash.

"The defendant extorted approximately $6,000 from the victim and attempted to extort over $15,000," prosecutor Eric Iverson said at Neathway's Manhattan Criminal Court arraignment Thursday.

But here's the best part:

Neathway, a British citizen who also goes by the name Louise Meanwell, was arrested Wednesday afternoon in front of her Tribeca apartment building on Leonard St. A source said Cashman helped lure Neathway into a police dragnet.

They practically deputized him! Cashman always had a little bit of a Columbo look to him.

An attorney for Neathway/Meanwell says the prosecutors have her all wrong, and that Cashman is "a married man who has an inappropriate relationship with a single mom — it ended badly."

Perhaps, but she also seems kind of troubled.

Cashman has not been quoted, but spokesman Chris Giglio said: "Brian is very grateful that this matter is being handled by law enforcement."

The Yankees have declined comment, but they don't seem to be worried that Cashman's involvement has been or will affect how he runs the team. That is the bottom line as far as baseball is concerned, isn't it? (Now find a farm with a nice family for A.J. Burnett!)

Still, I bet the Steinbrenners wished that Cashman lived just a little less adventurously.

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