Tuesday 7 February 2012

New York Yankees fragrance strikes nostrils this month

The next time one of the Bleacher Creatures at Yankee Stadium yells out "You guys stink!" he or she might not be referring to how the home team is playing ball.

Get a whiff of this: No longer will team captain Derek Jeter be allowed to corner the New York market in baseball-related perfumes. ESPN New York was first to report that the Bronx Bombers will debut two official fragrances — called "New York Yankees" and "New York Yankees for Her" — later this month.

In the past, all that Yankees fans could hope to do was dress in the caps and jerseys of their favorite ballplayers. Soon, they'll be able to smell like 'em too. English Leather, meet Rawlings.

Aroma of Joba. Funk of Centaur spoor. Sweat of Freddy Garcia. Suggestion of Cervelli. Miasma of Melky (Mesa). Combine the Yankees' resources and GM Brian Cashman's nose for talent and the possibilities are endless. (It wouldn't hurt to invite Paco Rabanne to spring training, though.)

It's hard to believe it took the Yankees this long to follow Jeter onto the fragrance market.

Jeter introduced his "Driven" fragrances back in 2006, and those are still selling — at least the samples not given away in the Jeter Gift Basket, as blogger D.J. Short of Hardball Talk noted.

And after the success of Bartolo Cologne in 2011, the Fabulous Steinbrenner Boys obviously were convinced that the Yanks could not fall behind the Red Sox and Rays in the fragrance race. If nothing else, people will fill those usually vacant seats behind home plate just to get within sniffing distance of Boone Logan.

And just remember: Between Brett Gardner and the left-field fence lies Obsession.

Follow Dave on Twitter — @AnswerDave and engage the Stew on Facebook

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