Friday 13 January 2012

Which owner voted ‘no’ on Selig’s new contract?

This AP file photo of Bud Selig from 2004 is primarily hilarious because we have no idea what Tom Werner (left) and Peter Magowan (right) are staring at. Did the commish stuff his back pocket with $100 bills? Install a small TV on his belt? Forget to wear pants?

We may never know the answer, but the photo takes on added humor when you consider the stinkeye that John Moores (middle) is shooting toward Selig. The San Diego Padres co-owner was baseball's only overlord out of 30 to vote 'no' on the two-year contract extension that will make Selig commissioner through 2014. The vote was held Thursday at a meeting of the owners in Paradise Valley, Ariz.

So why did Moores say "negatron" in response to what was otherwise a slam dunk of an approval for a man who has spent the past 20 years lining the owners' pockets?According to the Associated Press, Moores was angry with Selig delaying the completion of the Padres' sale. Jeff Moorad, the team's other co-owner, is scheduled to make the final payment and assume total control of the franchise, but Bud says he wants to do a little more digging into the team's numbers before the sale is put to a vote by the owners.

Moorad says he's confident that everything will check out and that the sale will soon be approved. Moores, though, doesn't appear to be too satisfied with Selig.

Either back in 2004 (above) or right now in 2012.

Given that a high-profile divorce caused Moores to put the team up for sale in the first place, it's a little easier to understand why he wants the money today rather than tomorrow. Perhaps the former Mrs. Moores (or her team of lawyers) have been leaving more than their fair share of phone messages.

Still, that death stare!


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