Friday 13 January 2012

Cleveland Indians sign Lebron — Willy Lebron, that is

Welcome back to Ohio, Lebron!

No, not THE LeBron as in LeBron James. Instead, the Cleveland Indians announced the signing of three players to minor league deals Friday, including right-hander Willy Lebron, who used to pitch in the Kansas City Royals system and for the World Cup team of the Dominican Republic. Lebron, who is 32 years old, struck out 72 with a 3.02 ERA in 65 innings between Double-A and Triple-A in 2011. He also has a mysterious three-season gap in his playing career from 2002-2004.

Might he have been practicing his free throws during this time?

Not only is Indians' GM Chris Antonetti risking a fan revolt by bringing Lebron back to Cleveland, but the guy wears No. 19 — same as late Hall of Famer Bob Feller. Is there no length to which The King will go to irritate Ohio? Even without stealing from Feller, LeBron James' jersey can't even step into Progressive Field The Jake without fans with pitchforks chasing it around the grandstand. So it's probably a good thing that the Indians signed Lebron and not LeBron (even if they could use any kind of help).

Besides, everybody knows that if LeBron James were going to play baseball, he'd be in right field for the New York Yankees.

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