Friday 13 January 2012

Photo: Logan Morrison, Bryan Petersen share tub, drink wine

... Not that there's anything thing wrong with that.

OK, so what do we got here? Teammates with the Miami Marlins — noted goofs Bryan Petersen and Logan Morrison — relaxing in a tub, having drawn a bubble bath, sipping on some red wine and sharing a laugh lighted by a flickering candle. Morrison, his legs spread open and his left hand ...

So, what the heck is the context? No one has specified yet. All that photographer Amy K. Nelson of SB Nation has said is that the photo "might break Twitter." Which it might have, had it not been transmitted around the same time as the Yankees-Mariners blockbuster trade.

Morrison, known to say and do provocatively humorous things just to get a reaction (sometimes to the detriment of his relationship with his employer) said only this on Twitter:

Haha, #nohomojustlomo

Again, not that there's anything wrong with that. Also on Twitter, Petersen added only the cryptic:

#masonjar :)

Mason jar? These guys speak a language all of their own, don't they? The whole photo shoot makes me wonder what Mister Amy K. Nelson — ESPN's Jorge Arangure — thinks.

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