Monday 17 June 2013

Young Dodgers fan ‘stands tall’ against Giants-loving classmates in fifth-grade graduation speech

How deep does the San Francisco Giants-Los Angeles Dodgers feud go? Deep enough that elementary school kids are using it as fodder in their graduation speeches.

This is a kid named Casey, graduating from fifth grade in a school we have to guess is in the Bay Area. We don't know a whole heck of a lot about the back story here, but it sounds like he was supposed to give a speech about a favorite memory from school. Instead, he talked about being the only Dodgers fan at school while all the kids were jumping on the Giants bandwagon celebrating the Giants' World Series win.

No matter which side of the Giants-Dodgers rivalry you sit on, this is pretty good.

The speech shows a lot of character for young Casey. He's not afraid to express against-the-grain opinions and possibly be mocked by his peers. He'll go places with a headstrong attitude like that. Who knows, he might grow up to be the next Skip Bayless.

Hmmm. Wonder what Casey thinks about Tim Tebow.

BLS H/N: Reddit

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