Saturday 4 May 2013

Metallica rocked AT&T Park with awesome national anthem on Friday night

More times than not it’s the horrendously over-the-top or out of tune versions of the national anthem that get the most play in our world.

I’d like to change that right now by drawing your attention to the incredible full metal rendition performed by Metallica's lead singer James Hetfield, who doubles as a guitarist, and lead guitarist Kirk Hammett on a night that was dedicated to them at AT&T Park in San Francisco.


To continue with the Metallica theme, the Giants also applied some metal makeovers to the players' scoreboard photos. Here's a look at Barry Zito, Buster Posey, Brandon Belt and Pablo Sandoval (clockwise).

Surprisingly, the Panda doesn't look all that out of place here. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Posey and especially Belt. Yikes.

Aside from the awesome performance and outstanding photos, the event was also noteworthy because of Metallica's recent jam session with Barry Zito that we told you about earlier in the week.

Ironically, Zito was on the mound for San Francisco on Friday night matched up against former Cy Young winner Clayton Kershaw, who was making his first start after his father's death on Sunday. With his competitive juices flowing, Zito nearly matched an emotionally charged and dominant Kershaw pitch-for-pitch for five innings, but neither starter would factor into the decision.

The Giants ended up winning the game 2-1 on Buster Posey's walk-off home run in the ninth.

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