Tuesday 16 April 2013

Create-A-Caption: The ‘Hugs not Drugs’ edition

Behold this wonderful moment during the eighth inning of Sunday's Toronto Blue Jays vs. Kansas City Royals game. Royals first baseman Eric Hosmer and ex-teammate Melky Cabrera embrace for a moment after Cabrera's single. Hosmer looks a bit maniacal and Cabrera looks like a kid afraid of the dark.

And so this picture — snapped by MLB Fan Cave dweller April Whitzman (aka @Alleycat17) — is Create-a-Caption gold. We turn it over to you, clever reader, to impress us with your wit. Head down to the comments and give us your best caption. Hugs (and a shout-out in our next Create-a-Caption post) for the best ones.

Follow the jump to see the winners of our previous C-a-C contest, Cirque du Soleil characters throwing out the first pitch before a recent Mets game.

And now, throwing out the first pitch, it’s … well, we’re not sure

1st — Peoplespigskin: "The folks at Biogenesis DID warn us of side effects. Still..."

2nd — Bill: "In the third inning R.A. Dickey's acid trip takes a turn for the worst."

3rd — Richard: "The Miami Marlins home run display comes to life."

Baseball is back. Don't miss anything.
Follow @MikeOz and @bigleaguestew, on Twitter, along with the BLS Facebook page.

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