Monday 1 April 2013

Big League Stew’s Mascot Madness Day 6: The second round concludes!

Big League Stew's Mascot Madness bracket is underway! Check out the matchups below and click on each matchup to head to the BLS Facebook page to vote. Your mascot is counting on you. Today, the final second-round matchups.

Youppi Bracket
#1 Racing Sausages vs. #4 Racing Presidents (VOTE HERE)

This, friends. This is the battle royal, the brawl to settle it all, the fracas in the ... well, we can't figure out anything baseball-related to rhyme with "fracas," but you get the point. Whoever wins this has a good chance of taking down the mighty Phanatic, should it come to that. Vote wisely.

#2 Mariner Moose vs. #6 Wally The Green Monster (VOTE HERE)

Despite a late push by Tampa Bay fans, Raymond wasn't able to take out Wally, and so we have this Moose-vs.-Monster showdown. Who will face the mob alone? The vote is yours!

Charlie-O Bracket
#1 Pirate Parrot vs. #5 Sluggerrr (VOTE HERE)

Pirate Parrot continues his reign of terror, while Sluggerrr just wants to make it rain. Who's going to triumph in this showdown?

#3 Swinging Friar vs. #7 Orbit (VOTE HERE)

Orbit, the little mascot that could, swings on against the legendary Swinging Friar. Could another upset be in the making? The choice is yours!

Come back tomorrow as we unveil the Mascot Madness Elite Eight, including a major upset!

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