Tuesday 19 March 2013

Joba Chamberlain’s mustache might give you nightmares

Things are getting mighty hairy this spring for the New York Yankees — prim, proper and traditional as they might be. No, we're not talking about injuries again.

We're talking about this:

Yes, that's Joba Chamberlain. Yes, that's his actual mustache, not a way-too-early Halloween costume or a glue-on spring-training gag. The Joba 'Stache is getting a lot of love on the Internet today. Even the Yankees official Twitter account endorsed it, calling Joba's living lip decoration "utterly glorious." ... And The Ghost of George Steinbrenner just fired someone.

Maybe it's a good baseball move? Imagine that snarling, crazily mustached dude throwing 90-something mph fastballs at you. Frightening.

Are you ready for opening day?
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