Friday, 1 February 2013

Tony Bosch injected A-Rod personally with drugs, ESPN sources say

For a guy who claims that Tony Bosch never treated him with PEDs, as has been alleged by the Miami New Times newspaper, Alex Rodriguez sure has people lining up against him saying otherwise.

ESPN has published a story with information from sources saying that Bosch, who runs the now-infamous Biogenesis clinic in Miami, gave A-Rod "personal" attention that involved some suspicious activity. No matter if you believe Rodriguez's original denial or the new one ESPN quoted his attorneys as issuing, it's easy to imagine the following scene in your mind's eye:

Bosch told associates he had been kicked out of Rodriguez' home after he had trouble locating a vein and infuriated the player. The sources did not say why Bosch would have been tapping a vein, as HGH and testosterone do not require intravenous injections. But whatever he was doing, "Tony said A-Rod was pissed at him," a source said. "He said he was bleeding everywhere."

I can't believe he made A-Rod bleed his own blood. That's what you get, allegedly, for not using a licensed health-care provider, you primadonna. That part had better be in the movie. Thomas Ian Griffith should play Tony Bosch. We'll leave the casting open on A-Rod for now. But before we get to the major motion picture, let's finish the book.

Bosch, too, has denied the story, calling the allegations "bull----'' and "all wrong'' when contacted by ESPN. It's about what you'd expect right now. However, the rest of the ESPN story is a little curious when it comes to what MLB or the U.S. government is thinking:

MLB officials say they believe Bosch is the center of the South Florida doping operation and have urged the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency to open an investigation. But numerous sources contacted by "Outside the Lines" say that they have not been interviewed by federal agents or by MLB investigators, and are not aware of any law enforcement effort to seize material from the now-shuttered Biogenesis office or Bosch's home. MLB officials have turned over information they collected to the DEA. But sources in Florida said they have seen no indication that an investigation has begun. DEA officials have declined to comment on the existence of a case.

Steroid fatigue, perhaps? Baseball sure doesn't sound terribly interested in doing too much heavy lifting here. Get Bosch and A-Rod into court, maybe they figure, and get something on the record so MLB can say to A-Rod, OK, you're suspended for 50 games. Which means, as of this moment, MLB probably doesn't think it has enough to make such a penalty stick. Much less this voided contract nonsense.

Of course, someone soon might come out and say they saw A-Rod pass out at 31 Flavors last night, and the investigation, such as it is, will take another turn.

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