Monday 11 February 2013

Giants vs. Tigers: A World Series rematch … in Connect 4 (Video)

The last time we saw a Major League Baseball game, the San Francisco Giants were rushing the field, celebrating a sweep of the Detroit Tigers in the World Series.

Two guys from that series, Tigers pitcher Doug Fister (who started Game 2) and Giants reliever George Kontos (who pitched in Game 1), were both guests recently at the annual Hot Stove Banquet for the Fresno Grizzlies, the Triple-A affiliate of the Giants. Kontos is an ex-Grizzly while Fister is from nearby Merced.

Big League Stew waved a trophy in both pitchers' face and asked if they'd be interested in a World Series rematch with one unusual stipulation. They'd be playing a game that many of us have sitting in a closet somewhere -- Connect 4. Both guys were good sports, and as you'll see below, took our challenge seriously.

Could Fister find redemption for his Tigers teammates? Could Kontos bring another trophy to the Giants? Watch to find out.

Makes you wonder what would happen if past World Series had a board-game follow-up. Could Josh Hamilton beat Albert Pujols in Yahtzee to avenge the 2011 series? Could Ubaldo Jimenez defeat Curt Schilling in Uno to make up for 2007? Could the Yankees lose to anyone ever in Monopoly?

Our minds are left to wonder.

Spring training is here. We wonder what games they're playing in Arizona and Florida.
Follow @MikeOz and @bigleaguestew, on Twitter, along with the BLS Facebook page.

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