Sunday 27 January 2013

Cardinals fans serenade Musial family with ‘Take Me Out To The Ballgame’ (Video)

Earlier we brought you the video of sportscaster Bob Costas delivering the eulogy at Stan Musial’s funeral, which was a terrific and heartfelt tribute to say the least.

But as touching as Costas’ words were, the loyal fans of the St. Louis Cardinals, who Musial loved and admired so much, were able to do him one better as they delivered a spontaneous tribute of their own.

From KPLR 11:

After the mass, Stan Musial’s body was taken in a hearse to Busch Stadium. Hundreds of fans lined the streets of St. Louis to say goodbye to “The Man”. Many brought signs and almost all wore Cardinal red to show their support for the family. The family laid wreaths and flowers at the foot of the Stan Musial statue. They then got back in the car as fans sang, “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”.

You can listen to the crowd's moving tribute in the video below beginning at the 4:14 mark.

As we said last weekend, Musial’s relationship and the love affair he shared with the city of St. Louis ran deeper than any other relationship between city and professional athlete that we’ve ever seen. If you didn’t believe that before, I think you have to believe it now.

He lived for and loved the city of St. Louis. They returned that love from the day he debuted in 1941, right up until his passing on Jan. 19, 2013. And I couldn’t think of a more fitting farewell tribute to "The Man" and show of support to his family than what Cardinals fans and his city gave them on Saturday.

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