Wednesday 16 January 2013

Bryce Harper tells Jimmy Kimmel he showers ‘seven times’ a day at ballpark

As a commenter at the Washington Post points out, Gio Gonzalez might have been the more perfect Washington Nationals choice to be a guest on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Tuesday night. He would have killed (figuratively). But Bryce Harper did just fine. Besides, he's more famous, and he's from Las Vegas as Kimmel is, and that's really all their interview was: Two guys from Vegas having a chat.

But that doesn't mean Harper didn't get in a couple of good answers to Kimmel's clown questions. Sarah Kogod of the Post collected them:

On his superstitions:
“I get to the field at 12:00 for a 7:05 game, and it starts from there. I shower seven times while I’m at the field and I don’t even need too. Yeah, it’s bad. As long as … I’m doing good or my team’s winning, I’m gonna keep doing the same thing. Wearing the same undershirt, I mean, I eat Eggo waffles. It has to be Eggo before the game. I mean, it’s really weird. PB and honey, I mean, I’m really superstitious.”

He showers seven times!? Obsessive-compulsive much? Hey, genius takes many different forms. As does dry skin. Harper also opined on the guy who mooned his first major league at-bat, joking that he would have signed his butt if asked. He and Kimmel also traded anecdotes about the absurdity of being from Vegas — which is a real city with families in houses and dogs and cats, not just a series of casinos. Harper joked that he tells people he lives on the pirate ship inside of Treasure Island. Yeeearrrgh!

Pretty good job on Harper's part, overall. Hopefully his mohawk continues to develop as spring training approaches. Here's part two of his appearance:

Good first effort on late-night TV, bro.

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