Ryan Howard married longtime girlfriend Krystle Campbell in Hawaii on Saturday and the newlyweds celebrated by taking part in the newish "trash the dress" fad. The Philadelphia Phillies first baseman and the former Philadelphia Eagles cheerleader waded into the ocean while still wearing the clothes from their ceremony as a photographer recorded the moment for posterity. These resulting shots are pretty funny as you can see that Howard is kinda-sorta onboard for the shoot in the first one. Meanwhile, both bride and groom appear in the second picture as if they're filing the experience under "something that was much better in theory."
Frankly, it's kind of hard to understand the craze over "trash the dress." The custom received a lot of attention earlier this year when one Quebec woman drowned in a river because the weight of her drenched dress prevented her from fighting against a swift current. But even if a bride does survive the experience, what's the point of going through the marital equivalent of Cortés burning his ships upon reaching the new land?
Especially if you're rocking a designer dress that probably cost as much as a small car?
Howard is currently in the middle of a contract that will pay him $125 million over five years, so the money is not an issue. (Campbell's hunt for the dress was featured on TLC's "Say Yes To The Dress.") Still, put me in the school of saps who believe a wedding dress is something to preserve, cherish and possibly hand down to future generations. It's something you should do no matter if you spend $100 or $10,000 buying the dress for your special day.
Plus you gotta believe that there's no way Howard got the deposit back for his tuxedo rental after ruining it with all that salt water.
Oh, I kid! Here's a big BLS head nod and a "mazel tov!" to the happy couple. The Philadelphia Daily News reports the guest list included Shane Victorino and Ben Francisco.
Also, Joe Kinsey of Busted Coverage just received a nice thank-you note for sending the couple a 13-inch washcloth from a registry that included $390 champagne flutes.
Here are some more photos of the new Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Howard:
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