Tuesday 18 December 2012

Dale Murphy’s son draws great cartoon in support of Hall of Fame dad

As he faces his 15th and final year of eligibility on the writers' Hall of Fame ballot, Atlanta Braves legend Dale Murphy has received a lot of social media campaigning from his eight children. Eldest son Chad wrote a letter to the BBWAA (before getting into a Twitter spat with SI's Jay Jaffe). Taylor Murphy started a change.org petition. Madison Murphy showed up at the Hall of Very Good to call her dad a super hero.

The coolest advocacy for dear old dad, however, comes this cartoon from Tyson Murphy. An illustrator for Blizzard Entertainment (makers of "Worlds of Warcraft"), Tyson admits that his "professional sports knowledge is nil." So he showed his support for his dad the only way he knew how, recalling the time he and his dad spent in the family's art room — time that would eventually lead to what he's doing today.

Murphy received only 14.5 percent of the vote last winter, so there's pretty much no way he's going to leap up and grab the 75 percent needed for induction to Cooperstown. But no matter what you think of his credentials or case, it's still pretty cool to see Dale Murphy's using their various talents to stick up for their father. Tyson's cartoon likely means more to Dale than any Hall of Fame plaque ever would.

Big BLS H/N: @MeechOne

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