Wednesday 31 October 2012

Bryce Harper’s Halloween clown costume (bro)

Just when you thought the whole Bryce Harper Clown Question, Bro™ thing had been played out, the kid himself brings it back for Halloween by dressing up as ... ?

A clown.

In case you've misremembered why Harper might dress as a clown, here's a primer.

This is good. He's a ballplayer with a sense of humor about himself. This is a 19, now 20-year-old kid who got a lot of hype and lived up to it — well beyond it — on the baseball field. Once or twice he got a little snippy with reporters (but never with fans, at least that we heard about). His teammates seemed to like him a lot. He's only going to get better. And anytime a major leaguer dresses up as a clown, it's good for some yuks.

Come on kids! Get some candy! #Halloween…

— Bryce Harper (@Bharper3407) November 1, 2012

Thank goodness someone advised him to put on shorts before going outside. Yeah, he lives in Las Vegas, but still.

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