Wednesday 8 August 2012

President or bust: Candidate Mitt Romney meets Harry Caray statue at Chicago fundraiser

With the current occupant of the White House also being a fervent supporter of the Chicago White Sox (no matter what it said on Facebook recently), it makes sense that Republican candidate Mitt Romney would seek the sprawling Chicago Cubs vote. To that end, Romney visited Harry Caray's restaurant Tuesday to raise campaign funds and to rub, eh, shoulders with the inspiration for the business, Hall of Fame broadcaster Harry Caray.

Or at least Harry's bust.

Will the visit bring Romney good luck come November? While the Cubs are still seeking their first World Series victory since 1908, Caray did work for the St. Louis Cardinals back in the 1960s when they won two championships. So, there's no case for a "Harry curse."

The best part of the photograph is neither Romney or Caray (who looks kind of scary), but instead the framed picture just to the right of Harry's head. Holy cow! That's Harry, son Skip Caray and grandson Chip Caray at Wrigley Field from back in the day. Chip has been known to get political on Twitter from time to time, so there's little doubt that he'd be jazzed about a presidential candidate visiting his grandfather's place. Hey, maybe Mitt is looking for a running mate? He could do worse than Chip and, perhaps, he might.

In the spirit of equal time, it should be pointed out that Harry Caray used to broadcast for Barack Obama's White Sox, who won the Series three years before Obama won the White House. Also: Ron Paul loves the Astros. Now it's equal time.

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