Tuesday 19 June 2012

Where’s ZimBear?: Big League Stew sends the year’s best giveaway out into the big, bad world

Meet ZimBear. He's half-teddy bear, half-baseball lifer and 100 percent terradorable. Yes, that's a combination of the words 'terrifying' and 'adorable.' You find a better way to describe someone melding Don Zimmer's likeness into a beloved children's toy.

As you might have heard, ZimBear will head home with the first 10,000 fans to spin the Tropicana Field turnstiles for the Tampa Bay Rays-Detroit Tigers game on Friday, June 29. The giveaway is just under two weeks away, but Big League Stew headquarters was lucky — or is it unlucky? — enough to have a ZimBear show up on its doorstep last Friday.

ZimBear's arrival, however, got us thinking. Why should we be the only ones to experience the singular pleasure of being creeped out by ZimBear's overeager stare during the workday? Shouldn't we share the joys of ZimBear caretaking with our loyal Stewies far and wide?

And then it hit us: We're going to send our ZimBear out into the big, bad world as a Flat Stanley-type experiment in community building. We know that the existence of the commenting maniacs has hampered the Stewies building a true identity in the space below, but we've always felt your love on Twitter, on Facebook, through our different contests and through emails. We'd like to showcase our smart and creative readers by having some of you play host to ZimBear for a few days before you send him to another willing reader. Along the way, we'll learn a little about you, a little about your community and a lot about how you react when you wake up in a cold sweat to find ZimBear peering down from your headboard.

So email us at bigleaguestew@yahoo.com if you're interested in playing host to our ZimBear over the next few months (and maybe years if this thing really takes off). All we ask is that you're willing to write a post about your time with ZimBear, snap a few creative photos of him in your native city or town (if you want to take him to your local ballpark, all the better) and do not feed him after midnight, expose him to bright light or get him wet under any circumstances. (We have no idea if he has Gremlins-type tendencies but frankly, we're not taking any chances.)

If all goes well, this should be a really fun activity. In addition to your occasional posts on the Stew, we've set up a @WheresZimBear Twitter account and will be posting travel updates on our Facebook page as well.

But first things first: Who wants ZimBear? He's sitting nearby as we write this post and he's starting to twitch in a weird way. It's about time he hits the road.

Are you a loyal Stewie who wants to host ZimBear and be featured on BLS? Send an email to bigleaguestew@yahoo.com with a short explanation of why you want him sent your way and what you would do with him once he's there.

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