Friday 15 June 2012

Aubrey Huff sprains knee in perfect game celebration, placed on disabled list

A difficult season that includes a DL stint for an anxiety disorder continues for Aubrey Huff as the San Francisco Giants veteran injured his right knee amid the celebration of Matt Cain's perfect game on Wednesday night.

The injury occurred immediately after Joaquin Arias fielded Jason Castro's tough grounder and made his strong throw across the diamond to wrap up the historic performance. As Giants players started flooding out of the dugout — some using the steps, others jumping the railing — Huff made his leap and landed awkwardly on his right leg, twisted his knee, and then ate some dirt.

You can view the faceplant at the 9:10 mark of this video. SB Nation also has a couple gifs giving you two different angles of Huff's tumble.

Huff was able to collect himself and gingerly galloped out to join his teammates in their celebration. But continued discomfort on Thursday led to an MRI that revealed a knee sprain. He was officially placed on the DL on Friday and replaced on the roster by outfielder Justin Christian, who served as San Francisco designated hitter on Friday night.

There's no official word on how long Huff is expected to be sidelined with the ailment. But given his .155 batting average and the mere five RBIs in 32 games, I wouldn't expect the Giants to be tempted to push Huff for a return on the early side of whatever that time table might be.

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