Tuesday 8 May 2012

Gotcha! Mat Gamel takes secret photo of fan who took secret pic of him

In a hilarious internet interaction that perfectly reflects our times, Mat Gamel of the Milwaukee Brewers put one over on an amateur photographer.

Gamel's family was waiting for a table at Blue Sombrero last week when a fan thought she would snap a quick photo of Gamel away from his natural environment of Miller Park. But the fan wasn't as stealthy as she thought, because Gamel saw her. How do we know? Because he said so, on Twitter, where he showed a photo of the offending fan that one of the GAMELS had secretly snapped.

Talk about Spy vs. Spy. It's a aparazzi Yahtzee!

fan who thought she would take a secret photo of Gamel's family at a Wisconsin restaurant.

responded to a fan who thought she was snapping a secret photo of Gamel and his family

Paparazzi Yahtzee! I

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