Sunday 20 May 2012

Father lifts son to catch foul ball (VIDEO)

By securing tickets and taking a trip to Yankee Stadium, this Cincinnati Reds father-son duo — would already have had some lifetime memories no matter what happened during Friday's game between the Reds and Yankees.

But watch what happens as a foul ball off the Joey Votto's bat comes their way ...

There's really so much to like about that clip and I'm not sure that I've ever seen a fan catch a foul ball while being lifted a few seats over by another fan. That's some serious choreography!

What's also cool is the fact that the ball was hit by the best player on the Reds and that the catch never would have taken place if the ballpark Voltron's tinier half were not lefthanded. Top it all off cameras actually capturing the entire play on television and you've got a family highlight that's set for the permanent reel. Well done, Reds fans.

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