Monday, 30 April 2012

Two series per year between intercity rivals could become a thing of the past

Those who say that same-city interleague series have stopped being special may see their belief reflected in future schedules.

Matchups like Mets-Yankees and Cubs-White Sox could become only a one series per year affair, Adam Rubin of ESPN New York reports. That's because the Hoston Astros' move to the AL in 2013 (and the necessity for year-round interleague play that follows) has created a scheduling nightmare that even the best computers will have trouble creating.

From ESPN New York:

The Mets and Yankees will continue to play six games a season -- three apiece at Citi Field and Yankee Stadium -- when the AL East and NL East line up for long-form interleague play every three years.

But in the other seasons, a major league source added, the competition likely will be limited to three games at one ballpark, or two games apiece at each ballpark.

Sources cautioned that the 2013 Major League Baseball schedule, and the precise new configurations, are still being discussed.

I'm guessing those ongoing "discussions" involve Jerry Reinsdorf of the White Sox and Fred Wilpon of the Mets getting their friend Bud Selig on the phone and complaining about the guaranteed three sellouts that could disappear from their ledgers every few seasons.

But apart from someone with a financial stake in the schedule, I can't imagine anyone having that big of a problem with this change should it be implemented. If anything, it'll add a little urgency for the few who actually seek bragging rights from the annual matchups while allowing for more frequent visits from other interleague opponents.

Do you agree? Would you miss two meetings against your "natural" rival?

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