Sunday 26 February 2012

Video: Toronto’s Colby Rasmus dazzles with ‘hacky bat’

DUNEDIN, Fla. — Colby Rasmus arrived at Toronto Blue Jays camp Friday and headed straight to live batting practice. His turns in the cage were "meh" overall, but he did show some concentration and dexterity by bouncing a baseball on his bat, hacky sack-style.

Warning, this video must be labeled NOT SAFE FOR WORK because of one adjective Colby utters toward the end. It's a bad word, but in the context of the video, not that bad. Just please be at least 13 years old to view it. As in PG-13. We'll just trust you:

After the video cut off, we both concluded that a "s#!t ton" (or tonne in Canada) should be at least 10 tons. "So much that you know it's more than a ton, but still aren't sure how much," Rasmus said.

Rasmus has always had a playful personality. But as St. Louis Cardinals fans could tell you, he's got some issues that seem to be holding him back. He's still young enough that his talent can shine through, but not unless he loses some mental baggage and makes some adjustments to his approach. For example: If manager John Farrell tells you to do something, just do it and see what happens.

Rasmus talked with reporters on a wide range of topics, including his poor relationship with Tony La Russa and the perception of his Rasmus' father as being too meddlesome.

Via Canada's National Post:

"I don't know, I guess I just said some things that rubbed people the wrong way," Rasmus said. "I don't know really, it's all about how you play. If I would have played good, it wouldn't have mattered, but I didn't play good and like blood in the water, they came after me. But it's all good, I'm here today ready to play, I'm not worried about it."

He's right about that: If he hits well and plays alertly in center field, he'll get along in Toronto much better than he did in St. Louis.

Spring Training has arrived! Follow Dave on Twitter — @AnswerDave and engage The Stew on Facebook for your fill of Grapefruit and Cactus!

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