Sunday 26 February 2012

Spotted! Dodgers’ Ned Colletti wins best GM at Oscars

Hooray for Hollywood, says Los Angeles Dodgers' GM Ned Colletti, who appeared to join Oakland's Billy Beane to represent Major League Baseball at the Academy Awards on Sunday night. But was that really him at the Kodak Theatre? Ned's doppelganger has been spotted around Hollywood before, after all.

Yes, it was him. Jon Weisman of Dodgerthoughts (among others) spotted Ned sitting a couple of rows behind the lovely Michelle Williams and snapped this screen cap. Weisman also got hold of Colletti to ask, "What the heck?"

I asked Colletti via text message what brought him to the Oscars.

"Once in a lifetime," he replied. "Tom Sherak (president of the Academy) is a good friend of mine, and I came as his guest."

Must be nice to live in that world.

Beane, who inspired "Moneyball," had announced he was going to the ceremonies. (Too bad his movie went 0 for 6 in the awards column.) But Colletti's attendance was a surprise, and there weren't any movies about him up for an award, so he was batting 1.000 in a sense.

Spring Training has arrived! Follow Dave on Twitter — @AnswerDave and engage The Stew on Facebook for your fill of Grapefruit and Cactus!

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