Tuesday 28 February 2012

Luke Scott brings 7 1/2 foot hog-hunting spears to Rays camp

So, how is Luke Scott doing? Well, he's still on track to be the starting DH for the Tampa Bay Rays, and he still appreciates a deadly weapon. Marc Topkin of the Tampa Bay Times reports that Scott brought two 7 1/2 foot hunting spears he uses to kill wild hogs into the team's spring clubhouse at Port Charlotte, Fla.

Of course he did.

It sounds like little has changed for Scott in the year-plus since Luke came out as a birther in a legendary Answer Man Q&A (yeah, the Barack Obama thing). Of course, he's been a curiosity to his new teammates, who apparently had been wondering about the spears Scott referenced in earlier conversations about hunting (a preferred topic). So he did a little impromptu show-and-tell for the gang.

Back in 2010, Scott was stunned and disappointed to realize he could no longer bring a firearm into a major league clubhouse. But there's nothing on the books that says you can't bring in long spears. Not to worry, Scott says, he's not about to stick anybody. Most anybody, anyway:

"You don't have to worry about me unless you're a criminal or a communist."

Hey, I'm in the clear!

Although, I was beginning to wonder last week when I visited Rays camp and ran into Scott upon walking through the door. He was engaged in a conversation with a man wearing a bullet-proof vest (naturally). He was some kind of peace officer, and Scott assured the man that he had "drawn his weapon before," as he started to pretend-fire an invisible automatic weapon. "Rat-tat-tat-tat!" he said. And I was right in the line of fire. Revenge was his.

Nah. Scott was oblivious to my presence, and he didn't really seem to remember me when I said hello later. Thanks for nothing, Scott! Now go and tell Evan Longoria how to safely secure his firearm at home!

Spring Training has arrived! Follow Dave on Twitter — @AnswerDave and engage The Stew on Facebook for your fill of Grapefruit and Cactus!

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