Thursday 9 February 2012

Have you criticized Hanley Ramirez on Twitter? Your name may be on his bat!

Have you chirped at Miami Marlins star Hanley Ramirez via his Twitter account for his lackadaiscal play? Have you told him you're tired of his me-first attitude over the past few years?

Well then congratulations! You may have inspired Hanley to finally shape up and, uh ... use your criticism to write a good commercial for a popular sports drink.

The Powerade ad is obviously in Spanish. A BLS source says the partial translation is this:

"To all of those who wrote to me criticizing me, sorry for not answering. I was busy with this bat and marker writing your names, the response is on the way.

"Sincerely, Hanley Ramirez"

So there you have it. If Ramirez comes out of the gate in 2012 mashing the ball, the presence of your Twitter handle on his sweetspot may have something to do with it.

Pitchers and catchers report soon, so don't miss a beat ...
Follow @bigleaguestew@KevinKaduk and the BLS Facebook page!

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