Thursday 26 January 2012

Create-a-Caption: Prince Fielder lands in Detroit

Thursday was Prince Fielder day in Motown as the newest member of the Detroit Tigers met with the media. Brew Crew Ball has a good transcript of the press conference if you're wondering what Fielder said about all that money, his relationship with his father and what he thinks about making Miguel Cabrera move over to third.

So have at it, amateur Internet copy editors of the world. How should this caption read?

Follow the jump for winners from the last C-a-C featuring Clayton Kershaw:

Clayton Kershaw visits the NYSE

1st — Al. "That's not Wall Street. It's the inner sanctum of Sabermetrics."

2nd — Baseball Furies. "Don't worry...theres another screen full of zeros to show how much more the average salary is over here."

3rd — Can't Believe It: "See for yourself. Mr Kershaw your ERA is actually higher than your portfolio gains for 2011."

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